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A genital wart is a type of wart that develops on the genitals or anus area. Genital warts are one of the most common types of sexually transmitted diseases. They can affect men and women of any age. However, people who are between the ages of 17 and 33 have the highest infection rate.  


Genital warts are highly contagious. The good news is that there are a number of home remedies for genital warts. Below are some of the natural remedies for this infection:


But before you read on you might want to check out this special genital warts care.

It is an outstanding home remedy and you should have a look at the details.




Onion Juice

Genital warts are a type of virus. Onions have  been shown to have antiviral properties, which is why onion juice can potentially help treat genital warts. In order to make the juice, you will need to cut up the onion, add a little bit of salt and allow it to soak overnight. You will need to apply it to the warts directly. Keep in mind that this treatment can be quite painful. This pain occurs because the onion juice is removing the dead skin and cells. It will also remove the infection eventually.




If you are looking for a treatment that will not irritate your skin, then you should consider using milkweed. Milkweed has enzymes that help reduce the appearance of the warts. It also helps prevent the virus from spreading. You will need to cut a leaf or steam off of the milkweed and apply it directly to the infected area a few times per day.



Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that can help alleviate this condition when it is applied topically to the infected area. You will need to open a vitamin E capsule and mix it with crushed garlic cloves.  The growths will get smaller. In most cases, they will go away completely within one week.




Garlic can also be used by itself. It is one of the most effective natural treatments for this condition. You should chop up some garlic and apply it to the infected area. You should apply a bandage over the garlic in order to keep it in place.




The bark from the willow tree is a little-known natural remedy for this infection. It contains salicylic acid. Keep in mind that salicylic acid is a treatment that has been approved by the Food And Drug Administration. In fact, it is found in many of the over-the-counter creams for warts and bunions. You will need to take a small piece of bark and apply it to the growths for five to seven days.  The willow will cause the growths to dry up, and they will begin to fall off within a few days.



Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a home remedy that can be used to treat a variety of infections and illnesses, including genital warts. It removes the growths as well as the dead and dry skin cells from the infected area. You will need to soak some of the vinegar in a cotton ball and then apply it to the skin directly. Use adhesive tape to keep it in place. Repeat this process every few hours.



Aloe Gel

Aloe Gel has antiviral properties.  It not only helps dissolve the growths, but it can also help soothe the skin. This treatment is effective, but it may take two or three months for one to see the full results.



Birch Leaf Tea

Birch leaf tea contains betulunic acid and betulin, which are two compounds that have anti-viral properties. You may ingest the tea or apply it directly to the growths. Green, lemongrass and chamomile are some of the other teas that may help treat this condition.



Tea Tree Oil

This treatment is a natural antiseptic, and it can help dissolve the warts. It can also help soothe the skin. Tea tree oil is applied directly to the infected area. There was a study published in 2008 in the Complementary Therapies In Clinical Practice that showed that this is a very effective alternative treatment.



Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal can help alleviate the discomfort and itchiness that this condition causes. You should grind some oatmeal in a blender, pour in a tub with warm water and then soak in it for about 20 minutes.



Get more information on this proven genital warts remedy.


Home Remedies For Genital Warts: How To Use Home Remedies To Treat Genital Warts

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